PEDP June Newsletter 2019

May was a busy month! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Food Drive!

Our “Step into the Real World” event Wednesday went so well! The Sharks got a pretend ATM card with a $50 balance and the Minnows and Barracudas got $50 in pretend cash. They could visit all of the following: Snack Shack, Got Ink? Tattoo Parlor, Penny Pinchers General Store, The Blind Dog Bakery, Finger Shades & Facial Shaves, and The PEDP Bank & Trust. The kids had a ball! They also learned some great life lessons while doing it. For example, sometimes an unexpected bill arrives in the mail (via Mr. Sean) and you have to pay it. Sometimes there are tough choices that have to be made. One lesson the staff learned was that we need to teach our children about tipping! Many service people depend on tips and there were a lot of children that didn’t understand the meaning of tipping. If your children attended, I encourage you to have a conversation with them about the event—it definitely sparked a lot of interest here!


Our theme for the month of June is “Medieval Times”. This is a theme with so many possibilities!


Sharks (Gr 4/5): Tuesday, June 4 – Scooper Bowl in Boston

Early Minnows (Group A): Friday, June 7 – Plaster Fun Time in Waltham

Early Minnows (Group B): Wednesday, June 5 – Plaster Fun Time in Waltham


We will be running a full day vacation camp for interested families June 19-21. TODAY   is the last day to sign up!


Come to our Annual PEDP Picnic and celebrate the end of a terrific year with us! It is going to be held on THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH at WARE’S COVE, a beautiful picnic area next to the Charles River here in Newton. PEDP will supply the charcoal for the grills, cooking utensils, condiments, and paper goods. Each family should bring their own main course to grill i.e. burgers, hot dogs, chicken, rolls, etc. We sent a Sign-Up Genius e-mail for all of you to sign up to bring a dish to share. ON THE DAY OF THE PICNIC, THE PROGRAM WILL BE CLOSING AT 5:00 P.M.If your child attends PEDP on Thursday, make sure that your pick-up person knows about this change. If you cannot make it here by 5:00, please arrange for another parent or sitter to pick up your child.  Please let us know who that person will be. Our regular late fees will be billed for any pick-ups past 5:00 that day.


The yearbooks have been shipped! We are awaiting their arrival any day now.


We started a tradition several years ago of having our graduating 5thgraders leave their mark on PEDP in the form of a handprint on the wall outside the PEDP office. I’d like to ask our 5thgraders to come to PEDP on Tuesday, June 11th right at 8:15 a.m. so that we can do this fun project. We’ll be done in time for them to get up to class.


For children who attend the late afternoon program on Wednesday, June 12th, we will be doing our own version of Step-Up Day! Each of the grades moving up to a new fish group will get a glimpse of what next year holds in store for them.


The last day of school will be Tuesday, June 18th. Peirce EDP will NOTbe open that afternoon. ALL overdue payments must be in by the last day of school! This includes money owed for: extra hours, field trips, late pick-ups, calling fees, classes, and tuition.


If your child is attending PEDP next year and you have submitted your application, a one-month deposit is required. The deposit is applied to your last month’s tuition (June 2020). The amount owed will be posted to your child’s account on Jackrabbit either today or Monday so you can access it via the parent portal. Payment is due by June 14th and a $25 fee is assessed if the deposit is not received by this time. Be aware this is a very short turnaround time.


Our annual meeting of the corporation will be held on Monday, June 10th at 7:00 PM. Please see me for the location if you are interested in attending.


As you know, Peirce EDP is not open during the summer. If you need to reach me, email ( is usually the quickest way to do so. The management team will be checking email throughout the summer on a regular basis. You can also leave a message on our machine here at school but we only check that sporadically.

  • Please continue to collect Ink Cartridges – We turn these in and save $ on a lot of our office supplies!
  • Remember that you can be charitable while shopping online and it doesn’t cost anything extra!!! Amazon will donate .5% of all your purchases when you shop at select Peirce Extended Day Program, your charity.

Same products, prices and Prime, AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know with the added benefit of supporting charitable organizations. Whether it be for your gift giving, any time office supplies, birthdays or whenever, use AmazonSmile the next time you shop online and give back to Peirce Extended Day Program Inc. Spread the word to family, friends and co-workers too! If you haven’t already done so, get started now by using the link below:

 MINNOWS MESSAGE (Gr. K-1) from Kim Ryan, Minnows Coordinator

Early Minnows

With our theme of Money, the Early Minnows learned about the different denominations of each bill and coin. We talked about who and what was on each bill and coin and why. We did coin rubbing, made our own minnow money and even made Uncle Moneybags top hats (he is also known as Mr. Monopoly).  On June 5th and June 7th each Early Minnow group will be going to Plaster Fun Time in Waltham for our last field trip of the year!  If you haven’t already, please return the permission slip and money by Monday, June 3rd.  It has truly been a pleasure watching your children grow and learn this year.  I hope to see many of them back in the Minnows as 1st graders next year!

Late Minnows

As the school year winds down, the Late Minnows are still in full swing!  The Kids Cooking Green class has ended and a lot of yummy, healthy recipes were learned.

Our theme of money brought some fun and educational activities for all and next month’s theme of Medieval Times sounds like it will be just as fun!  Although the summer is in our sights there is still a lot going on!On Tuesday, June 4th the Minnows will have their annual Wacky Water Day!  We will play a lot of fun water games and enjoy a frozen treat for snack!On Wednesday, June 12th we will have our swim up day and the 1st graders will become Barracudas for the day and the 5th graders will join the kindergartners for a day of fun!

The Late Minnows have been such a great group this year and we will miss all the first graders that will move on to the Barracuda group.Wishing you all a wonderful summer filled with adventure, sun, sand and a little relaxation!You can alwaysreach me at

 BARRACUDA BUZZ (Gr. 2-3) from Joanne Malouf, Barracudas Coordinator

The end is near but there is still a lot going on in the Barracuda Program.  The Tuesday kids will be roaming the countryside (the field and back playground at Peirce) for the jewels that the dragon stole from the castle. Can you tell our June theme is Medieval Times?  We’ll end the year with this themed special event.  Our last trip was in May to McGolf.  It was a bit chilly, the ducklings in the pond were hiding under the warmth of their mother, but we still had fun.  For a field trip within a field trip, the bus stopped at Star Market in Newtonville where the third graders helped me buy some hot chocolate mix. Miss Nancy had the hot water waiting for us at PEDP and we all warmed up with a nice chocolatey cup of cocoa.  The Barracudas had a wonderful year.  It was great to see the kids mix among the two grades so often.  We played a ton of board games, build a lot of Lego buildings and created some wonderful crafts.  We cooked, did some sewing, created a puppet show and a play and played immense amounts of basketball, football and soccer.  We learned some Newton history at the Jackson Homestead, showed off our bowling styles and explored the new Discovery Museum this year.  All great trips! Twenty-five third graders will move on to the Sharks or other things.  We will miss them but look forward to the incoming class of second graders and another great Barracuda year!You can always reach me at

SHARK TALES (Gr. 4-5) from Rachel Bastarache, Sharks Coordinator

Wow what an awesome year the Sharks have had! From projects to special events to field trips–great memories made by all. The fun isn’t over just yet! Swimming into the month of June we have a few more events coming up. On June 4th all the Tuesday Sharks are heading to Government center for the Scooper Bowl. Then June 11th is dress-up day. The kids really enjoyed dressing up for our “Super Hero” Day so they came up with the idea of a “Dress- up” Day. They can dress as fancy as they would like for our dance party. Thursday June 13th it’s our SHARK ATTACK special event. More details will be coming soon, but there are a lot of water balloons involved.

As another school year comes to as end we have to say good bye to another graduating school of fish! This year we have 18 graduates swimming off to middle school. It’s been wonderful to have had the opportunity to watch them grow up into the great kids they are today. I wish them all the best and hope they come and visit! Have a great summer! Feel free to e-mail me at

Have a wonderful summer!
