From Kathy’s Desk…
Our first ever TRIVIA NIGHT is just two weeks away! Here’s the 411:
- Fabulous catered western BBQ dinner with cash bar!
- Five rounds of trivia!
- Silent Auction: Red Sox & Celtics tix, theme baskets, weekend on the Vineyard, restaurant and retail gift certificates galore and so much more!
- Prizes for the first and second place teams! Door prizes!
- Sign up today! RSVP to our evite sent previously or see Kathy
Our theme for February is The 50 States. We are super excited to be studying some geography and learning all about different states in the country we live in!
We’ve been getting great feedback about our online application process. Have you filled yours out yet?? While there is no deadline because it is sort of like rolling admissions, I do encourage you to get it done ASAP to be assured of the schedule you desire. The more applications we have in by the end of March, the easier it is for our budgeting process. Please reference the e-mail I sent on 2/25/19 for more information on enrolling for next year.
Adventurers Program:
- TU 3/5 – Cross-Country Skiing at the Weston Ski Track
- Please make sure your child comes with all 5 things to be outside in the snow.
- TU 3/12 – Laser Tag at Laser Quest in West Roxbury
- TU 3/26 – Swimming at Cedarland’s Aqua Dome in Haverhill
Minnows: EARLY RELEASE TH 3/21 – Boston Children’s Museum
Barracudas: EARLY RELEASE TH 3/21 – Discovery Museum in Acton
Yoga – 4 Sessions on Wednesdays beginning March 6th
Performances for “Seussical” will be on Friday, April 5thand Saturday, April 6that 7:00 PM. Put it in your calendar! Always such a fun evening! We believe the performance for the Peirce students will be on Monday, April 8thin the morning.
If you have not signed up, please speak to your child’s fish team coordinator about setting up a time.
SIP ‘N SHOP EVENT: Save the date!!!
Save the date: Thursday, April 25th, 5:30 – 8:30 PM! Join us for a girls night out and bring a friend! Need a new spring outfit? A bracelet for a graduation gift? A piece of handcrafted pottery for Mother’s Day? Sip a glass of wine and shop with your friends while supporting a worthy cause, our scholarship fund. This event has been really popular the past couple of years!
We are planning to run a program April 16-18. Information about planned activities and how to enroll will be sent out in just a couple of weeks.
MINNOWS MESSAGE (Gr. K-1) from Kim Ryan, Minnows Coordinator
Early Minnows
The early minnows LOVED our theme of cats this past month! From cat ears to panther paws, cat necklaces to Cheshire grins, the Early Minnows learned a purrfect amount of cat knowledge. I am super excited about the March theme of the 50 states! Does anyone else know the Fifty Nifty song??
Late Minnows
The Late Minnows (or meownows as some of the kids called us!) enjoyed a Cats special event with the Barracudas! They were able to participate in so many different activities like cat and mouse with the parachute, Cat in the Hat handprint, pin the tail on the cat and more!
March 11th starts Minnow spirit week! Each day will be something different and all the Minnows will do some fun team building! The details will be sent out in a separate email.
The Minnow staff are requesting that Pokémon cards are no longer brought to EDP. They have become the source of many arguments and upset children and have taken a lot of time away from our activities. Thank you for your help with this matter.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona. Arkansas…. can you guess what our next theme is???
You can always reach me at
BARRACUDA BUZZ (Gr. 2-3) from Joanne Malouf, Barracudas Coordinator
The Barracudas had a February filled with cat projects. Paper cats, pipe cleaner cats and exotic cats and more! We had a great time at the Cat Special Event with the Minnows at the beginning of the month. Among other activities, the kids played cat and mouse with the parachute, tried to pin the tail on the cat, created cat headbands and made a cat riddle book. We look forward to learning about our 50 States, our next theme, in March. The Friday Barracudas had fun doing some GoNoodle activities. The videos led the kids in song and dance and got them really moving. It was clear many of the kids were familiar with this fun activity. Here’s hoping some warmer temperatures will be here in March.
You can always reach me at
SHARK TALES (Gr. 4-5) from Rachel Bastarache, Sharks Coordinator
The Sharks swam quickly through February! They were all busy learning about different types of cats and the history of the cat going as far back to the Egyptians. There were some great debates between our cat lovers versus our dog lovers. They all made great points but the best takeaway was that they all agreed that everyone should have a pet to love.
Swimming into March, we have a lot going on starting with clubs on Thursdays. The kids will choose from Marvel Comic crafts with Mr. Sean, 3-D Architecture building with Mr. Pablo, or Scenery and prop making (for the Musical) with Ms. Rachel. A lot of creative juices will be flowing no matter what club they are in.
During the week of the 18th, we are having our own SHARK WEEK! The Sharks will be able to show off their PEDP Shark sprit. Throughout the week, there will be different themes each day, like Mismatch Monday where the kids will be asked to come to school wearing as many different colors or patterns or both! We will be ending our week with a “SHARK FRENZY” event on the Early Release Thursday March 21st. Keep a lookout for more details coming soon!
March wouldn’t be complete without some Field trips. How about THREE! (See the “Field Trip” section for details.) The trip on March 12th to Laser Quest is open to all Tuesday Sharks who would like to join.
It looks like March will be a fun-filled month! Hopefully, the weather will cooperate with us.
Feel free to e-mail me anytime at
- Got anything for our Silent Auction? See Kathy if you’d like to contribute!
- Daily Savings Time begins 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 10th. Spring forward and don’t forget to change your clocks and smoke detectors.
Twenty Days until Spring!