PEDP Newsletter March 2025

Happy March PEDP parents and families! Spring is right around the corner and I’m sure more than a few of us are looking forward to fresh beginnings.

February was a short but sweet month! We had lots of fun solving mysteries during regular school weeks and more exciting events like ice skating and a reptile presentation during the Winter Vacation Program! You can tell by their faces, the kids really had FUN!

Let’s dive into what we have planned for March!

Field Trips

The Barracudas will be going bowling at Ryan Family Amusements in Millis. This trip will take place on the early release day of Thursday, March 20th.  The cost of the trip is $25. Registration is through the Parent Portal.

The Sharks trip to Hometown Arcade is rescheduled to Thursday March 20th. The Sharks will be able to play over 70 classic arcade games, and have access to air hockey, pinball, skeeball, bubble hockey, and arcade basketball, as well as modern gaming consoles. If a parent has already signed up for the February field trip, they must sign up again for the 3/20 field trip, as their old permission slip is no longer valid due to the date change. Sign up via Parent Portal under “Events”.

Special Events

As they say, while the cat’s away, the mice will play! In our case, while the older kids are away on March 20th, the Minnows will have a special event at the program.

March 28th will be the K/1 review Musical Musings!

Participating Minnows will be singing songs from various musical productions.The show starts at 7pm in the Auditorium! We hope ALL families will come join us for this fun evening of theater!


Hip Stitch begins on Thursday, March 6th. We’re looking forward to this fun sewing class. Currently, we still have one more spot left for a Barracuda or Shark.


3/25 @ 7:00 pm – PEDP Board Meeting – Email the program for details if interested in attending.

3/20 Early Release – School releases and PEDP begins at 12:10 pm.

That’s all for now. We are looking forward to a great month ahead!


Ms. Yvonne, Sharks teacher, on behalf of the PEDP staff

“Spring is a reminder that we can start again, no matter what.”
