
PEDP Newsletter September 2023

We are so excited to welcome back all of our fish: Minnows (K-1), Barracudas (2-3), and Sharks (4-5)! Dive in and swim with us!

Our monthly newsletters are one of the ways we communicate with you. After this one, they will be much shorter with just brief newsworthy notes.  We welcome your feedback at any time. Send an email, give us a call or stop by to see us!

Another great way to get info about PEDP is to look on our website, www.peirceedp.com.

First and foremost, let me introduce our amazing staff!

Admin Team               Position                    Year at PEDP      Schedule         

Kathy Lynnes              Executive Director            40th                           M-F

Valerie Blanchette      Float Teacher                    First!                        TuWTh

Nancy Holly                Administrative Asst.          11th                           M-Th

Deb Wyler                   Administrative Asst.           8th                             Tu

Minnow Team         Position                   Year at PEDP         Schedule

Courtney Broaddus     Coordinator                        7th                            M-F

Deb Blumenthal          Teacher                             First!                          M-F

Lula Butler                   Teacher                             First!                          M-F

Laurie Pedzewick        Teacher                              16th                          TuWTh

Deb Wyler                     Teacher                               8th                             W

Barracuda Team     Position                     Year at PEDP         Schedule

Joanne Malouf            Asst. Director/Coord.       35th                          M-F (Admin on Friday)

Lana Hand                  Teacher                                 First!                       WThF

Monica Reuman         Teacher                                 2nd                          M-F

Susan Miller                Teacher                                 First!                        W

Shark Team             Position                  Year at PEDP        Schedule

Jamie Carty                 Coordinator                         2nd                        M-Th

Lada Moyseev             Teacher                              First!                         W

JP Myers                     Teacher                              First!                       TuWTh

Alicia Karunaratne     Teacher                                2nd                        F (and Monday Early Birds)

We are still looking to hire two more teachers. Please help spread the word! In addition to the group above, we will be welcoming 2-3 students from Boston College who will be doing their work study with us. So far, Emma Cunningham has signed on. Gail Shaheen is the Program’s bookkeeper.  She works offsite but you’ll see her name on paperwork.

We really value the experience our returning staff provide but also welcome the fresh perspective we gain from our new team members! When picking up, you should plan to have a photo ID with you in case you are asked by the staff. It takes a while to learn all your names and faces!

We have 130 children currently enrolled in the program (more than half of Peirce School!) and we have space for a few more so if you know someone who might be interested, tell them to give me a call ASAP!

The Program’s Board of Directors for 2023-24 is listed below:

Alma Adler, Member

Marie-Jo Dumoulin, Member

Travis Looker, Treasurer

Andrea Merin, Vice President

Matt Orlando, Member

Dan Pregibon, Member

Gary Schmirer, Secretary

Diana Schwartzstein, Member

Karthik Venkatesh, President

We have room for 2 alternates on the board so let us know if you might be interested! Parents are always welcome to attend our monthly Board meetings held in the evening (in person or virtually).


After some brainstorming and lively discussion last week, the staff chose several themes which will be the focus of many activities throughout the year. These planned activities help to make the Program interesting, educational, and fun. During September, our theme is Games! Board games, card games, dice games, tile and marble games, outdoor games, international games. We plan to have fun!


We are planning to offer Golf classes to the Barracuda and Shark groups this fall, Ski Program to 2-5 graders in the winter and Movement & Mindfulness to Minnows in the spring. 2-3 field trips are also planned for each age group. Stay tuned for details about when they will be held, cost, and how to enroll.


  • Our snack schedule is created 2-3 weeks at a time. Feel free to ask if you’d like to see a copy of it.
  • Please pick up from the Program at Door #4 on the side of the school.
  • Do not drive into the driveway AT ALL that leads to our entrance. Children and staff are crossing this pavement constantly and their safety is at stake.
  • The Early Birds program ($13 per day) and Extra Hours ($13 per hour) are available to all families as space allows.  Just ask!
  • Remember that you must notify PEDP whenever your child will not be attending for the day.  You may do this in person, by phone (617-332-5881), in writing, or via email: kids@peirceedp.com.  There is a calling fee of $25 if the staff need to make phone calls to find out where your child is at attendance time.

NO SCHOOL OR PEDP: Monday, September 25th (Yom Kippur)

EARLY RELEASE DAY: Thursday, September 28th (School dismisses at 12:10pm) 

I know that this is a lot of information. Trust me, your children are getting even more!  If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask. Again, welcome!  I look forward to meeting and talking with each of you and getting to know your children.

Bidding summer adieu,
