PEDP September Newsletter 2018

From Kathy’s Desk

September 2018

Valentino, for one, is thrilled that the dog days of summer are still with us! One of his favorite activities is “fishing” in our above ground pool on these hot, steamy days. Ha Ha.  He is less than thrilled, however, now that I am back at work.  We enjoyed some lovely long hikes this summer in the afternoons.

I love seeing all of you again, though!  Your children have been sharing some wonderful stories about what they did over the summer.  I can’t get over how much some of them grew!  All of us here at PEDP are really excited about what we have planned for this year.  Please read on…

Our newsletters are one of the most important ways of communicating with you.  Read them regularly to keep abreast of our activities.  Blurbs from each of the three Coordinators will be included in the main newsletter each month.  *Please note: If you gave us multiple e-mail addresses and would prefer not to get multiple copies of the newsletter and other notices, let me know which address to delete from our mailing list. We welcome your feedback at any time. Send an e-mail, drop a note in the PEDP wall basket or my inbox, or stop in to see us!

Another great way to get info about upcoming events, classes, field trips, etc. is to look on our website, Nancy keeps it up to date with all the latest information.

First and foremost, let me introduce our incredible staff!

Name Position Year at PEDP Program & Days
Rachel Bastarache Sharks Coordinator 17th Early Birds TUTH

Sharks M-F

Courtney Broaddus Teacher 2nd Early Minnows MF

Late Minnows M-F

Laurie Docknevich Teacher 3rd Sharks TU

Float M

Laurie Filreis Teacher 10th Minnows TU

Float TH

Nancy Holly Administrative Asst.

EB Teacher

6th Administration M-F Early Birds MWF
Dylan Kelley Teacher 2nd Barracudas M-F
Pablo Lebret Teacher First! Sharks M-F
Kathy Lynnes Executive Director 35th Administration M-F

Early Birds TUF

Joanne Malouf Asst. Director

Barracudas Coordinator

30th Early Birds MTH

Barracudas M-F

Sean O’Neill Teacher 6th Early Minnows MWTHF,  Sharks M-F
Laurie Pedzewick Teacher 12th Early Birds W

Late Minnows M-F

Kim Ryan Minnows Coordinator 19th Early Minnows WTH

Late Minnows M-TH

Deb Wyler Teacher 3rd Minnows TUW
Carol Yourman Teacher 2nd Barracudas M-F

We really value the experience our returning staff provides but also welcome the fresh perspective we gain from our new team member!  Please introduce yourselves to any staff members you don’t know and welcome back those you do!  We are all working hard to learn names.  Please excuse us if we ask you for a reminder!  When picking up, you should plan to have a photo ID with you in case you are asked by the staff.

All of our staff are (or will be shortly!) trained in First Aidas well as CPR.  Most staff are also trained in the Responsive Classroom.  All staff attend several hours of professional development throughout the year.

Gail Shaheen is the Program’s bookkeeper.  She works offsite but you’ll see her name on a lot of paperwork!

We have 136 children currently enrolled in the program and we have space for several more so if you know someone who might be interested, tell them to give me a call ASAP!

The Program’s Board of Directors for 2018-19 is listed below:

Doug Cornelius, Secretary

Betsy Gomperz, Co-President

Roli Kumar-Choudhury, Member

Carrie Lubitz, Co-President

Allison Myers, VP

Charlotte Stafford, Member

David Walsh, Member

Puja Vohra, Member

Neil Yonker, Treasurer

All parents are welcome to attend Board meetings held monthly in the evening.


After some brainstorming and lively discussion at a meeting earlier this summer, the staff chose several themes which will be the focus of many activities throughout the year. These planned activities help to make the Program interesting, educational, and fun.  During September, our theme will be Ocean Life.

Scheduled activities will end by 5:10 PM.  Children enjoy doing these activities so the best time for pick-up is 5:15 – 6:00 PM when activities are over.  Certainly, children can be picked up at any time, though.


We are planning trips for all fish groups this year.  Payment for trips may be made by cash or check—BEFORE the trip, please.  Chaperones are welcome on all of our trips so please let us know if you’d like to accompany the group at any time.

September 25th (Adventurers—4/5 grade):  Farmer’s Market, Cold Spring Park


Have you heard of Paper Mouse?  Instructors from this West Newton art studio will be teaching a class here at PEDP starting in October.  Information will be e-mailed out in about a week.

Another class available for 3rd-5thgrade only is Dollar Scholars.  Information about how to sign up for this terrific class will be e-mailed out this week.  Our Ski & Snowboard program at Nashoba Valleywill be on Tuesdays beginning in January.  Information for that will go out in early October.  We are also planning to hold classes in Tennis, Coding (Grades 2-5 only) and Kids Cooking Green(Grades K/1 only).


We are really excited to be planning our first ever Family Game Night! The event will be held here at Peirce on Friday, October 12th. More details to come but save the date!


Last year, we conducted a parent survey and got some great feedback.  Some of you were curious as to what snacks are served here at PEDP.  Our snack schedule is always posted (three weeks at a time) on the front of our refrigerator by the PEDP office.  Feel free to take a peek at it whenever you wish.

MINNOWS MESSAGE from Kim Ryan, Minnows Coordinator

Welcome to the Minnows K and 1st grade families!!

Early Minnows:  The Early Minnows are the kindergartners that are at PEDP on MW or THF from 12:30-3:00 PM.  On MW (Group B) or on THF (Group A), the kindergarteners will be picked up at their classroom at 12:30 PM and then we will go to our assigned space and have lunch.  After lunch, there will be a free play time followed by meeting, project and then outside.

If your child gets picked up at 3:00, they will be escorted to door #4, located up the driveway on the side of the school, where your pick-up person should be.  You MUST sign your child out and note the time on the clipboard provided.  If your child will be staying at PEDP, they will be escorted to the auditorium where the Minnows meet.  Our Early Minnows teachers are: Miss Courtney (MF), Mr. Sean (MWTHF) and me, Miss Kim (WTH).   Please introduce yourselves!  We are all looking forward to a great year!

Late Minnows:  The Late Minnows are the K/1’s that attend PEDP MWTHF from 3:00 PM on and TU from 12:30 PM on.  These Minnows will be located in the Clubhouse, which is one of the cafes located at the bottom of the stairs.  All of the fish groups rotate spaces and we will update you when we move to a new space.  The Late Minnows teachers are: Miss Laurie P, Miss Courtney, Miss Deb, Miss Laurie F and me, Miss Kim.  Please introduce yourself!  We are very excited to get the year started!!  There is ample time for the Minnows to do their homework while at PEDP.  If you would like your child to do their homework, let one of us know and we will add them to our homework list. We expect to learn, grow and most of all have FUN!

Feel free to email me at with any questions or concerns.

BARRACUDA BUZZ from Joanne Malouf, Barracudas Coordinator

Welcome back, Barracuda families!  Mr. Dylan, Miss Carol and I are excited for the upcoming year with the second and third graders.  The Barracudas will begin the year in the Tree House. We move to the Greenhouse in January and will finish the school year in the Clubhouse.  Time for homework will be available every day.  Please make sure to discuss your homework expectations with your child.  Let me know if you would like your child to be added to the Barracuda homework list.  The Barracuda staff will do their best to help the children with the completion of their work.  This year, the Barracudas will continue to focus on teamwork.  We will do this with a variety of team building games and activities as well as some group discussions.  “Bob the Barracuda”, our group’s stuffed fish mascot, is back!  The kids take turns taking Bob to the various activities throughout the day.  A poster describing Bob’s life is hanging in the PEDP hallway.  Make sure to check it out.  The Barracudas will have four field trips this year.  Two will be on early release Thursdays and two on Tuesdays.  We have a lot planned for the year and can’t wait to share it all with the kids! You can e-mail me anytime at

SHARK TALES from Rachel Bastarache, Sharks Coordinator

Welcome back, Shark families!  Ms. Laurie D,  Mr. Sean, and I (Ms. Rachel) are so excited for the start of another great year!  We’re even more excited for our new Shark teacher to be joining us… Mr. Pablo!

The Sharks will start off the year in the Greenhouse, then in January we will swim to the Clubhouse, finishing our year in the Treehouse when we move up there in April.

The Shark staff has been busy planning fun and exciting activities and special events for the months to come.  Our theme and focus for the year is Leadership.  We plan to focus on the different types of leaders and how our kids can be the best leader they can be.

A scheduled homework time will be offered every day for the Sharks. The staff strives to be as helpful and supportive as possible for the students with their different homework needs.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or comments.  Feel free to e-mail me anytime at


* All emergency forms and tuition payments are now overdue!  If yours are not in yet, please see me.  Note that we charge a $25 late fee for all tuition payments that are over one week late.

* Please enter and exit the Program from our door (#4) on the side of the school.  We have the same security system installed as they do at the front door.  All people picking up will be required to be buzzed into the building by one of our staff members.  Due to the custodian’s cleaning schedule and also for security reasons, we will not be allowing children and parents to return to classrooms after 5:00.  If homework or other items are forgotten, they will have to be retrieved the following morning. We will do our best to ask children if they have everything they need when they arrive.  It wouldn’t hurt to post a reminder checklist in your child’s locker.

* Remember to check your mail file daily.  It is another way of communicating with you.

* Please do not drive up the driveway (no, not even part way) that leads to our entrance. Children and staff are crossing this pavement constantly and their safety is at stake.  I realize it is not as convenient, but you need to park either on the north side of Temple Street or in the back parking lot when dropping off or picking up.

* The Early Birds program ($10 per day) and extra hours ($12 per hour) are available to all families when needed.  Just ask!

* Please remember that you must notify PEDP whenever your child will not be attending for the day.  You may do this in person, by phone (617-332-5881), in writing, or via e-mail:  There is a calling fee of $25 if the staff need to make phone calls to find out where your child is at attendance time.

* Please collect the following for us:  Empty ink/toner cartridges.  These add up to extra cash for our Program!

* When shopping, please go through “Amazon Smile” and choose Peirce Extended Day Programas your chosen organization.  BOOKMARK IT!   Every time you make a purchase, Amazon donates a percentage of it to us!  It’s so easy!

NO SCHOOL OR PEDP: Monday 9/10 (Rosh Hashanah) and Wednesday 9/19 (Yom Kippur)

I know that this is a lot of information for you to absorb.  Trust me, your children are getting even more!  If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask.

Again, welcome!  I look forward to meeting and talking with each of you and getting to know your children.


Saying goodbye to summer,
